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Energy Shield Meditation guided by Archangel Michael: 14 minute guided meditation
This is a guided meditation to install an energetic shield. Archangel Michael assists us with installing and maintaining this powerful protection. You will be guided through the installation of this energetic filter and learn how to set intentions to keep it strong and working optimally all day, every day. Having an energetic barrier with specific intent for how we wish to be protected is a powerful way to stay grounded, clear and balanced. Proper shielding helps us manage stress, anxiety, feel more calm and peaceful. This mediation can be used as often as you like.

Daily Energy Field Clearing and Protection Meditation guided by Archangel Michael: 11 minute guided meditation
This spiritual meditation is intended for daily use to clear and protect your energy field. Calling on Archangel Michael along with deep breathing and setting intentions, he assists us in clearing our personal energy space. He helps us cut energetic cords/attachments that are low vibrational and do not serve us. He then uses his loving, protective energy to run nets of light through our body and our field to remove heavy energies and things that do not belong to us. He then assists us in strengthening our energetic shield to help filter and block heavy and low vibrational energies from affecting us. This healing meditation is helpful for managing anxiety, stress, overwhelm and depression. It helps improve clarity and focus. When our energy is clear and protected our movement through our world is much gentler, less stressful and more enjoyable.

Connecting with and Angel or Spirit Guide: 14 minute guided meditation
This beautiful, gentle guided mediation helps you to meet and work with an Angel or Spirit Guide. We all have many helpers in the spirit realm. Discovering who is with us and what they are here to help us with is comforting and empowering. Connecting with these beings allows them to work with us consciously, deepening their ability to guide, help and heal us. This is great for a deeper connection to angels and guides you are already working with as well as discovering new ones. You can go on this meditation with specific questions, a specific angel or deity you would like to meet, or just ask to be shown what you need. This meditation can be done as often as you like.

Upper World Shamanic Journey: 30 Min Guided Meditation
This is a 30 minute Upper World Shamanic Journey/guided meditation in the Q'ero tradition of South America. It takes us to the 5th level of the upper world, the place of who we are becoming. A place outside of linear time where we connect with spirit guides, ancestors, angelic beings and our lineage. The Upper world is also sometimes associated with our superconcious mind. We connect into a sacred, ancient, etheric realm where we recieve guidance and assistance from these powerful helping spirits. We meet the Q'ero gatekeeper of the Upper World, Pachacuti and move through all the levels of this divinely magical realm.

Lower World Shamanic Power Animal Journey: 27 minute Guided Healing Meditation
Power animals, sometimes called animal totems have been an integral part of shamanic teachings and medicine work for thousands of years. This lower world power animal journey is intended to guide you to connect with an animal guide or guides. Each animal has its own medicine that can work with you. They have archetypal energies and medicine that apply to anyone working with a particular animal. They also often have specific messages that are just for you and where you are at in this moment of your earthwalk. These traits they have can show us ways we can more easily walk through our daily world and give us deeper meaning to lessons we are being shown. We have many power animals that walk with us at different times. Some are with us for a lifetime, other pop in just for one message or for a certain lesson or period you are navigating. For example, bear may appear to show that it is time to hibernate, rest, or owl may ask you to listen to what is not being said, to listen more closely to your intution and inner knowing. This journey is in the Q'ero Andean tradition. The gatekeeper for this journey is Huascar, a famous figure in Inka lore. Let the animal kingdom speak to you through this ancient method of connection.

Introduction to Shamanic Journeying: Q'ero Tradition
This is a basic overview of shamanic journeying. There are many similarities in shamanic journeying that run as a thread through different traditions all over the globe. If you are new to journeying or would like a deeper understanding of some of its basic purpose and framework, this short overview is extremely informative and highly recommended. Journeying is a powerful way to connect with angels, guides, ancestors and your lineage to receive guidance, healing and assistance with manifesting your highest purpose. This overview helps you understand how intentions, protections and a framework are valuable and provide for a deeper experience and connection. Journeying is a very real and powerful way to connect to other realms and vibrations. Knowing how to navigate and move through these experiences is important to keep ourselves safe and able to integrate our experiences into our world. Jerri speaks specifically to shamanic journeying in the Andean Q'ero tradition, but it can be utilized by anyone as a way to build your journeying skills, knowledge and experience.

Upper World Shamanic Plant Spirit Journey: 20 minute Guided Healing Meditation
This is a guided Upper World Plant Spirit Journey in the Andean tradition of South America. Shamanic cultures have always understood that everything has a spirit and that we are connected to them all through the web of life. The plant spirits are ancient, powerful and sacred. This journey is intended to assist you in connecting more consciously and deeply with these beautiful spirits. Shamans often visit the upper world to work with plant spirits for guidance on healing, personal growth, self-care, protection and much more. You can use this journey to connect more deeply with a plant you already have an affinity for or set the intention to see if there are other plants the may wish to connect you to share wisdom guidance or healing. Let the magic of this realm be revealed to you through this journey.

Upper World Shamanic Stone People Journey: 18 minute Guided Healing Meditation
The stone people of the earth are ancient, wise beings. This Upper World Stone People Journey in the Andean tradition is a guided shamanic journey to connect with the mineral spirits. This journey is good for connecting more deeply with a mineral/stone you are already working with or to discover new ones that might want to reach out and connect to work with you. Shamanic cultures have always understood that everything has a spirit and we are connected to them all through the web of life. Allow their magic to reveal itself to you through the beauty of this journey.

Guided Shamanic Pachamama Mother Earth Meditation for Grounding, Relaxation and Releasing Stress
This deep, spiritual, grounding meditation connects you Pachamama; Mother Earth. It is intended for daily use. It promotes relaxation, assists in releasing stress, anxiety, depression overwhelm, pain and negative thoughts. It helps to clear and refresh our energy, our thoughts and emotions. Wonderful for starting the day, or before sleeping. Connecting to the energy, the hearbeat of Mother Earth for grounding, resetting the flight or flight system and relaxing the body is something shamanic cultures have been practicing for thousands of years. Let this beautiful mediation bring you to a place of deep calm and relaxation.

Anchoring the Light: 10 minute Guided Healing Meditation
This 10 minute guided meditation is to connect with and anchor an ancient, sacred light. We all contribute to the collective energy of the Universe. We can utilize our own unique energy to connect with higher dimensions to anchor and ground this light. When we connect to and bring in these higher vibrations, we can anchor it for ourselves and Mother Earth. As we move through this important, transformational time on the planet, in the Universe, it is essential for those of us who are able, to anchor this love and light. This mediation connects you into both the cosmic/etheric realms as well as the earth bringing deeper balance to your own energy body.This meditation can be used weekly or monthly as you are drawn to.

Lower World Journey in the Q'ero Andean tradition: 26 minute Guided Meditation
This guided journey/meditation guides you to the lower world. In shamanic traditions this is a realm we can journey to for guidance, discovery of deeper levels of understanding about our infinite self and our journey through this life. It is sometimes associated with our subconcious mind. The lower world is not a low vibrational place, simply another realm. It is a realm of growth, change, transformation, and inner wisdom. Shamans often visit the lower world to work with animal guides, perform soul retievals, work with soul contracts, agreements and more.

Shamanic Journeying Rattle 60 minutes with callback
Rattling has been utilized by shamans for thousands of years as a sacred tool to assist in inducing trance states, stir and channel energy. This is intended for personal journey work, relaxation, mediation, background for ceremomies, group journey work and more. Rattles all have a unique voice and the tempo used can be soft, loud, fast, slow. All of these variations are able to be adapted for specific purposes. Finding the voice and tempo that feels resonant, safe and comfortable for you is extremely important when doing journeying and trance work. This track is soft rattling, medium tempo.

Shamanic Drumming Journey: 30 minutes medium tempo with callback
Drumming has been utilized by shamans for thousands of years as a sacred tool to assist in inducing trance states, stir and channel energy. This is intended for personal journey work, relaxation, mediation, background for ceremomies, group journey work and more. Drums all have a unique voice and the tempo used can be soft, loud, fast, slow. All of these variations are able to be adapted for specific purposes. Finding the voice and tempo that feels resonant, safe and comfortable for you is extremely important when doing journeying and trance work. This track is soft drumming, medium tempo.

Shamanic Rattling Journey: 30 minute Rattling Track for Shamanic Journeying, Meditation and Ceremony
A shaman utilizes the sacred tool of a rattle, akin to the resonance of a drum to induce trance states, stir and channel energy. This is intended for personal journey work, relaxation, mediation, background for ceremomies, group journey work and more. This track is soft rattling, medium speed. To learn more visit

Shamanic Rattling Journey: 28 minute Rattling Track Fast Tempo for Shamanic Journeying, Meditation and Ceremony.
Rattling has been utilized by shamans for thousands of years as a sacred tool to assist in inducing trance states, stir and channel energy. This is intended for personal journey work, relaxation, mediation, background for ceremomies, group journey work and more. Rattles all have a unique voice and the tempo used can be soft, loud, fast, slow. All of these variations are able to be adapted for specific purposes. Finding the voice and tempo that feels resonant, safe and comfortable for you is extremely important when doing journeying and trance work. This track is a 28 minute soft rattling, fast tempo.

Shamanic Drumming Journey: 60 minutes slow tempo with callback
Drumming has been utilized by shamans for thousands of years as a sacred tool to assist in inducing trance states, stir and channel energy. This is intended for personal journey work, relaxation, meditation, background for ceremonies, group journey work and more. Drums all have a unique voice and the tempo used can be soft, loud, fast, slow. All of these variations are able to be adaptd for specific purposes. Finding the voice and tempo that feels resonant, safe and comfortable for what you are doing is extremely important for journeying and trance work. This track is 60 minutes slow tempo with callback.

Shamanic Rattling Journey: 60 minutes with callback
Rattling has been utilized by shamans for thousands of years as a sacred tool to assist in inducing trance states, stir and channel energy. This is intended for personal journey work, relaxation, mediation, background for ceremonies, group journey work and more. Rattles all have a unique voice and the tempo used can be soft, loud, fast, slow. All of these variations are able to be adapted for specific purposes. Finding the voice and tempo that feels resonant, safe and comfortable for you is extremely important when doing journeying and trance work. This track is 60 minutes with callback.

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